Monday, May 15, 2006

Care Packages!

In my excitement over the "Iraq Confidential" segment (I just saw a trailer at ! Watch it! Warning: language may not be suitable for younger viewers) I forgot to post my new mailing address for the inevitable care package that you'll want to send. First off, let me give you another address. The Chaplain at the service I attended yesterday is collecting toys, clothes, and school supplies to be distributed to Iraqi children. Before you send anything to me, please send something to him to help in our battle to win the hearts and minds of the people. Your gift may prevent a future insurgent! Mail your goodies to: [name and address removed as the individual has now transferred] Now, for those of you who absolutely insist on sending *me* something, here's my address: [address changed! contact me for current address] Some guidance: - Do NOT send anything perishable or that will melt (like chocolate). Your package will probably sit out in 100-plus degrees for hours or days before delivery. - Most packaged snacks I can buy, including my favorites of beef jerky, sunflower seeds, and trail mix/nuts. So don't fret if such items would make your package heavy or bulky. - I would really appreciate artwork to put on the walls of my hooch and my office at the battalion, be it in the form of posters, pictures, or most desired, hand-drawn works of art from the children in your lives. - Electronic media (books, movies, TV shows, or music on CD/DVD) would be very useful. - Boot socks are light, needed, and make good packing material. Pale green is a good color. :) Thanks in advance! Remember, NO CHOCOLATE!

1 comment:

brad said...

Any particular age in mind for the kid stuff?