Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Squadron Name

I got an email today from our headquarters in Baghdad soliciting input for a squadron name. Not the formal name (Joint CREW Composite Squadron One) of course, that's fixed. But rather, the nickname. Like the "scorpions" or "dogs of war" or something fun like that. I've been poring over some ideas, wondering if I'm limited by the fact that there is already a large black crow holding a lightning bolt on our logo. "Zapping Crows?" "Black Lightning?" "Shadow Shield?" I don't know. Perhaps readers can make suggestions in the comments. The command website should give you an idea of our mission if you need inspiration.


Anonymous said...

Victory Chargers

Anonymous said...

No nickname assistance, just a quick thank you for the heads-up about the mailing address change.

Kym said...

I had to send you a note today. I was just surfing and I came across a web site... http://www.pownetwork.org/tletter21.htm...I saw you lost your dad in the Veitnam War. I wanted to again thank you for all of your sacrafices....You are truly a hero in my book. Thank you to you and your family. You will always be in my prayers! Thanks again for all you do!
